System Integration and Implementation

Class: Thursday 7:30-9:00pm at room 431

Instructor: Che-Rung Lee


PS3 programming GPU programming
  1. Programming the cell processor: for games, graphics, and computation, by Matthew Scarpino link
  2. A Rough Guide to Scientific Computing On the PlayStation 3 by Alfredo Buttari, Piotr Luszczek, Jakub Kurzak, Jack Dongarra, George Bosilca pdf
  3. Cell BE Programming Tutorial page
  4. Practical Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine link
Courses, tutorials, and discussions
  1. Cell Developer's Corner
  2. MIT course
  3. One-Day IBM Cell Programming Workshop at Georgia Tech
  4. IBM Cell Workshop Training Materials
  5. Sony/Toshiba/IBM Workshop on Software and Applications for the Cell/B.E. processor
  6. Path to Petascale: Adapting GEO/CHEM/ASTRO Applications for Accelerators and Accelerator Clusters
  7. Install Linux on PS3
  8. Cell Broadband Engine resource center
  9. PS3 Cluster
Talks, papers, and codes
  2. AO benchmark
  1. NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Best Practices Guide link
  2. Reading assignment of UIUC's class link
  3. GPU Gems 3 link
Courses, tutorials, and discussions
  1. CUDA programming guide
  2. MIT's course
  3. UIUC GPU course
  4. GPU Programming and Architecture
  5. SC09 talk
  6. Multicore and GPU Programming for Video Games
  8. CUDA Technical Training (I)(II)
Talks, papers, and codes
  1. SC08 talk
  2. Cuda Zone
  3. 01-CudaReviewGeneralOptimization


Schedule PS3 programming GPU programming
Week 1 SIMD programming on PPE Basic programming model
Week 2 Using SPU
GPU Memory (I)
Matrix-matrix multiplication explained
Week 3 Using DMA
cuda thread
Change time to 10:00am-12:00pm and room to EECS 550
Week 4 Signal, event, and mail box
Shared memory and register
parallel prefix sum
Week 5 Software cache, overlay slide
Math library slide
Instructions, asynchronized execution, and device API slide
Week 6 Cell cluster and distributed computing slide
Fermi, Radeon and OpenCL slide
NVIDIA Fermi Compute Architecture Whitepaper
ATI Stream Computing OpenCL
An Introduction to OpenCL by John Stone (Dec 2009)

Last update: 2010/5/7