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33 nThe Validator

Graphical User Interface

This section describes the appearance and functionality of the graphical user interface to the validator monitor (ValUI). Some user interface descriptions general to all tools in SDT can be found in the chapter "The SDT Graphical User Interface" on page 1021. These general descriptions are not repeated in this chapter.

The ValUI looks and behaves very much like the SimUI, the graph         
ical user interface to the simulator monitor. The differences are the   
set of available monitor commands and button modules, and a few         
additional menus and sub windows.                                       
For a description of the windows, menus and features in common to       
both the SimUI and the ValUI, "Graphical User Interface" on page        
1839. The following description of the ValUI will concentrate on        
the additional features of the ValUI.                                   

Starting up the ValUI

A new ValUI is started by selecting Validator UI from the Tools menu in the Organizer. When the ValUI is started, a number of definition files are read, controlling the contents of the main window and some status windows. See "Definition Files" on page 1930 for more information.

No validator is started automatically by the ValUI in this way. The user must start a validator by selecting Open from the File menu, as stated in the text area of the main window, or by using the Open quick button.

A simple way to generate a validator, start the ValUI and open the validator is to click the Validate quick button in the Organizer.

The Main Window

The main window of the graphical user interface consists of the following parts (see Figure 542):

The Default Button Modules

The following tables list the default buttons in the button modules and the corresponding monitor command. See "Monitor Commands" on page 1889 for more information.

The buttons in the button modules are specified in the button defini    
tion file. If the default button file is not used, the button modules   
may be different than described here. See "Button and Menu Defi         
nitions" on page 1865 for more information.                             

The EXPLORE Module

Figure 543 : The EXPLORE Module. 
Button       Monitor command                                     
Bit-State    Bit-State-Exploration                               
Verify MSC   Verify-MSC                                          
Top          Top                                                 
Bottom       Bottom                                              
Random Walk  Random-Walk                                         
Break        Pressing <Return>                             
Up           Up 1                                                
Down         Down 1                                              
Navigator    Show-Navigator                                      
Reset        Reset                                               
Default      Default-Options                                     
Advanced     Define-Scheduling All ; Define-Priorities 1 1 1 1   
             1 ; Define-Max-Input-Port-Length 2 ; Define-        
             Report-Log MaxQueuelength Off                       

The VIEW Module

Figure 544 : The VIEW Module. 
Button        Monitor command          
Ready Q       List-Ready-Queue         
Process List  List-Process             
Process       Examine-PId              
Input Port    List-Input-Port          
Signal        Examine-Signal-Instance  
Timer List    List-Timer               
Timer         Examine-Timer-Instance   
Variable      Examine-Variable         


Figure 545 : The TEST VALUES Module. 
Button        Monitor command              
List Value    List-Test-Values             
List Par      List-Parameter-Test-Values   
List Signal   List-Signal-Definitions      
Def Value     Define-Test-Value            
Def Par       Define-Parameter-Test-Value  
Def Signal    Define-Signal                
Clear Value   Clear-Test-Values            
Clear Par     Clear-Parameter-Test-Values  
Clear Signal  Clear-Signal-Definitions     

The Menu Bar

This section describes the additional menus of the ValUI's menu bar in comparison with the SimUI. The menus common to both the ValUI and the SimUI is described in "The Menu Bar" on page 1852.

The menu bar contains the following menus:

The Help Menu

Figure 546 : The Help Menu. 
In addition to the generic Help menu choices On SDT, On <Tool> and About <Tool>, the ValUI's Help menu has two other menu choices:

On Validator

Opens the Help Tool with the first page of the User's Guide for the Validator, i.e., the section "Introduction" on page 378.

On Validator Commands

Opens the Help Tool with a page describing all the commands available in the validator monitor, i.e., the section "Monitor Commands" on page 1889.

Additional Validator Menus

In addition to the standard SimUI menus, a few special validator menus are included in the menu bar. The menu choices in these menus simply execute a monitor command, i.e. they are functionally equivalent to buttons in the button modules. If the monitor command requires parameters, they are prompted for using dialogs in the same way as the command buttons.

The following tables list the default menu choices and the corresponding monitor command. See "Monitor Commands" on page 1889 for more information.

The additional menus in the ValUI are specified in the button defi          
nition file. If the default button file is not used, the additional menus   
may be different than described here. See "Button and Menu Defi             
nitions" on page 1865 for more information.                                 

The Commands Menu

Figure 547 : The Commands Menu. 
Menu choice             Monitor command           
Toggle MSC Trace        MSC-Trace                 
Toggle SDL Trace        SDL-Trace                 
Show Report Viewer      Show-Report-Viewer        
Show Coverage Viewer    Show-Coverage-Viewer      
Show Navigator          Show-Navigator            
Define Rule             Clear-Rule ; Define-Rule  
Include Command Script  Include-File              

The Options1 Menu

Figure 548 : The Options1 Menu. 
Menu choice               Monitor command                 
Show Options              Show-Options                    
State Space: Transition   Define-Transition               
- : Scheduling            Define-Scheduling               
- : Priorities            Define-Priorities               
- : Input port length     Define-Max-Input-Port-Length    
- : Transition length     Define-Max-Transition-Length    
- : Max instance          Define-Max-Instance             
- : Timer progress        Define-Timer-Progress           
- : Channel queues        Define-Channel-Queue            
- : Max state size        Define-Max-State-Size           
MSC Trace Auto Popup      Define-MSC-Trace-Autopopup      
Report Viewer Auto Popup  Define-Report-Viewer-AutoPopup  

The Options2 Menu

Figure 549 : The Options2 Menu. 
Menu choice             Monitor command                   
Show Options            Show-Options                      
Bit-State: Hash size    Define-Bit-State-Hash-Table-Size  
- : Depth               Define-Bit-State-Depth            
Random: Repetitions     Define-Random-Walk-Repetitions    
- : Depth               Define-Random-Walk-Depth          
MSC: Timer check level  Define-Timer-Check-Level          
Exhaustive: Depth       Define-Exhaustive-Depth           
Report: Continue        Define-Report-Continue            
- : Prune               Define-Report-Prune               
- : Abort               Define-Report-Abort               
- : Report Log          Define-Report-Log                 

The Command and Watch Windows

The Command window of the ValUI is identical to the SimUI (see "The Command Window" on page 1858). The only difference is that the default commands to execute are "List-Process -" and "Print-Trace 1". The set of commands to execute are stored in a command definition file (see "Definition Files" on page 1930). The default command definition file can be changed with The Preference Manager.

The Watch window of the ValUI is identical to the SimUI (see "The Watch Window" on page 1861). The only difference is the syntax of the variable definitions. In the ValUI, variables are defined by the syntax <process instance> <variable name>, e.g. Game:1 Count.

The Navigator Tool

The Navigator is a separate tool in the ValUI that is used for navigating in the behavior tree. It can be opened in the following ways:

The Navigator window consists of the Tree Area, containing Pop-up Menus, and the tool bar, containing Quick Buttons. There is no menu bar or status bar in the Navigator window.

The Tree Area

The tree area of the Navigator window shows the structure of the behavior tree around the current system state. Each box, or node, represents a tree transition from one system state to another.

The text in the boxes contains the textual trace describing the tree transition. This may represent a complete or partial SDL process graph transition, depending on how the behavior tree is set up. The number of down nodes also depends on the structure of the behavior tree. This is determined by the state space options; see "State Space Options" on page 436.

Double-clicking a node in the Navigator executes the corresponding tree transition and moves one level up or down in the behavior tree. The current system state is changed and the Navigator window is updated to show the situation around the new system state.

Double-clicking a collapsed node (see below) does not expand the   
node; it always executes the corresponding transition.             
The Navigator window is also updated whenever a monitor command is executed that changes the current system state.

Pop-up Menus

Each node in the node area has an associated pop-up menu.

Up 1                 On the up node: Go up one level in        
                     the tree. This is the same as double-     
                     clicking the up node.                     
Up to top            On the up node: Go to the top of the      
                     behavior tree.                            
Goto                 On the down nodes: Go down this           
                     branch of the tree. This is the same as   
                     double-clicking the down node.            
Expand               Expand the collapsed node to show         
                     the down nodes.
(Not applicable on a down node.) Expand Substructure The same as Expand. Collapse Collapse the node to hide the down nodes. A small triangle below the node shows that it is collapsed.
(Not applicable on a down node.) -------------------------------------------------------------

Quick Buttons

The following quick buttons are special to the Navigator tool. The general quick buttons are described in "Quick Buttons" on page 1035.

(fig)  Close                                                                     
       Closes the Navigator tool.                                                
(fig)  Structure                                                                 
       Switches between a tree structure and a list structure in the node area.  

The Report Viewer

The Report Viewer is a separate tool in the ValUI that is used for examining the reports generated during an automatic state space exploration. It is opened in one of the following ways:

The Report Viewer window consists of the Report Area, containing Pop-up Menus, and the tool bar, containing Quick Buttons. There is no menu bar or status bar in the Report Viewer window.

The Report Area

The report area of the Report Viewer shows the current reports from the latest state space exploration in the form of a report tree. The report tree contains three levels of nodes (see Figure 551):

Double-clicking a report node at the bottom level causes the Validator to "go to" the report, i.e., go to the system state where the report was generated. The following things happen:

Double-clicking the top node or a report type node will expand or collapse the node, depending on its state. A collapsed node hides its underlying nodes and is indicated by a small triangle below the node.

Pop-up Menus

Goto                 Only on report nodes: Go to the            
                     report. This is the same as double-        
                     clicking the report node.                  
Expand               Expand the collapsed node to show          
                     the nodes in the next level of the tree.   
                     This is the same as double-clicking        
                     the collapsed node (top node or report     
                     type node).
(Not applicable on a report node.) Expand Substructure Expand the collapsed node to show all nodes on all levels below it.
(Not applicable on a report node.) Collapse Collapse the node to hide all nodes on all levels below it. This is the same as double-clicking the node (top node or report type node).
(Not applicable on a report node.) --------------------------------------------------------------

Quick Buttons

The following quick buttons are special to the Report Viewer. The general quick buttons are described in "Quick Buttons" on page 1035.

(fig)  Close                                                                       
       Closes the Report Viewer.                                                   
(fig)  Structure                                                                   
       Switches between a tree structure and a list structure in the report area.  

Definition Files

In the ValUI, the syntax and contents of the definition files are the same as for the SimUI; see "Definition Files" on page 1864. The following differences apply, however:

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