Journal Publications (recent papers)

    On Algorithm Design:

  1. Y. H. Chen and C.Y. Tang (2010), On the bottleneck tree alignment problems, Information Science, 180, pp. 2134-2141.
  2. Y.-L. Huang, C.-C.Huang, C.Y. Tang and C.L. Lu (2010), An improved algorithm for sorting by block-interchanges based on permutation groups, Information Processing Letters, to be announced.
  3. H.-H. Su, C.-L. Lu, and C.Y. Tang (2008), An Improved Algorithm for Finding a Length-Constrained Maximum-Density Subtree in a Tree, Information Processing Letters109, pp. 161-164. (EI, SCI)
  4. C.M. Lin, Y.T. Tsai and C.Y. Tang (2006), Balancing Minimum Spanning Trees and Multiple-Source Minimum Routing Cost Spanning Trees on Metric Graphs, Information Processing Letters, 99, pp. 64-67. (EI, SCI)
  5. P.-H. Huang, Y.-T. Tsai and C.Y. Tang (2006), A Near-Quadratic Algorithm for the Alpha-Connected Two-Center Problem, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 22, pp. 1317-1324. (SCIE)
  6. C.-M. Lee, L.-J. Hung, M.-S. Chang and C.Y. Tang (2005), An Improved Algorithm for the Maximum Agreement Subtree Problem, Information Processing Letters, 94, pp. 211-216. (EI, SCI)
  7. Y.H. Chen, B.Y. Wu and C.Y. Tang (2005), Approximation Algorithms for Some k-source Shortest Paths Spanning Tree Problems, Networks, 47, pp. 147-156. (EI, SCI)
  8. C.L. Lu, S.L. Peng and C.Y. Tang (2003), Efficient Minus and Signed Domination in Graphs, Theoretical Computer Science, 301, pp. 381-397.
  9. B.Y. Wu, K.-M. Chao and C.Y. Tang (2002), Light Graphs with Small Routing Cost, Networks, 39, pp. 130-138. (EI, SCI)
  10. C.L. Lu, M.-T. Ko and C.Y. Tang (2002), Perfect Edge Domination and Efficient Edge Domination in Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 119, pp. 229-252. (EI, SCI)
  11. C.L. Lu and C.Y. Tang (2002), Weighted Efficient Domination Problem on Some Perfect Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 117, pp. 163-182. (EI, SCI)
  12. B.-K. Lu, F.-R. Hsu and C.Y. Tang (2001), Finding the Shortest Boundary Guard of A Simple Polygon, Theoretical Computer Science, 263, pp. 113-121. (EI, SCI)
    more ...

    On Bioinformatics and Computational Biology:

  1. H. P. Lee, T. F. Sheu, C.-Y. Tang, A parallel and incremental algorithm for efficient unique signature discovery on DNA databases, BMC Bioinformatics, 7, p1-p16. (SCIE)
  2. K.-M. Yu, J. Z., C.-Y. Lin, C.-Y. Tang, Efficient Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Constructing Minimum Ultrametric Trees, accepted by Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
  3. Y.-J. Chen, C.-T. Liao, P.-L. Chen, L-Y. Lee, Y.-C. Li, I-H. Chen, H.-M. Wang, J. T Chang, L.-J. Chen, T.-C. Yen, C.-Y. Tang, A.-J. Cheng, Down-regulation of Ches1 and other novel genes in oral cancer cells chronically exposed to areca nut extract, accepted by Head and Neck Journal.

  4. C.-L. Hung, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chung, S. J. Hsieh and C. Y. Tang(2009), CORAL-T: Heuristic COding Region ALignment Method for Three Genome Sequences, accepted by Communications of SWIN.

  5. J.-H. Chu, C. Y. Lin, C.-W. Chang, C. Lee, Y.-S. Yang and C. Y. Tang(2008), Combining Alignment Approach and Best Hit Strategy to classify TIM BARREL Protein Structure, accepted by Special issue on Engineering and Computational Technologies in the Life Sciences, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology.

  6. S. -H. Chen, K.-I Lin, C. Y. Tang, S.-L. Peng, Y.-C. Chuang, Y.-R. Lin, J.-P. Wang and C.-S. Lin(2008), Optical detection of human papillomavirus type 16 and type 18 by the sequence sandwich hybridization with oligonucleotide-functionalized Au nanoparticles, accepted by IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience.

  7. S.-W. Liu, C.-S. Chen, S.-S. Chang, K.-K. T. Mong, C.-H. Lin, C.-W. Chang, C. Y. Tang, and Y.-K. Li(2008), Identification of essential residues of human α-L-Fucosidase and tests of its mechanism, Biochemistry, Vol 48, Issue1, pp110-120.

  8. C.-H. Chu, C.Y. Tang, C.-Y. Tang, and T.-W. Pai(2008), Angle-Distance Image Matching Techniques for Protein Structure Comparison, Journal of Molecular Recognition, Vol 21, Issue 6, pp. 442-452. (SCI)
  9. H.-Y. Wang, H.-T. Chang, T.-W. Pai, C.-I Wu, Y.-H. Lee, Y.-H. Chang, H.-L. Tai, C.Y. Tang, W.-Y. Chou and M. D.-T. Chang(2007), Transcriptional Regulation of Human Eosinophil RNases by an Evolutionary- Conserved Sequence Motif in Primate Genome, BMC Molecular Biology, 8:89(SCI)
  10. Y.-S. Chung, C.L. Lu and C.Y. Tang (2007), Constrained Sequence Alignment: A General Model and the Hardness Result, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155, pp. 2471-2468. (EI, SCI)
  11. K.C. Li, C.-N. Chen, T.-Y. Hsieh, C.-H. Wen, J.-L. Lan, D.-Y. Chen and C.Y. Tang (2007), Towards Design of A Nailfold Capillary Microscopy Image Analysis and Diagnosis Framework Using Grid Technology, Journal of High Speed Networks, 16, pp. 81-89. (SCI)
  12. Y.-S. Chung, C.L. Lu and C.Y. Tang (2007), Efficient Algorithms for Regular Expression Constrained Sequence Alignment, Information Processing Letters, Vol 103, Issue 6, pp 240-246. (EI, SCI)
  13. Y.-S. Chung, W.-H. Lee, C.Y. Tang and C.L. Lu (2007), RE-MuSiC: A Tool for Multiple Sequence Alignment with Regular Expression Constraints, , Vol. *35*, pp. W639-W644, Nucleic Acids Research. (SCI)
  14. K.-L. Lin, C.Y. Lin, C.-D. Huang, H.-M. Chang, C.Y. Yang, C.-T. Lin, C.Y. Tang and D.F. Hsu (2007), Feature Selection Combination Criteria for Improving Accuracy in Protein Structure Prediction, IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience. (SCI)
  15. C.-H. Peng, J.-T. Hsu, Y.-S. Chung, Y.-J. Lin, W.-Y. Chow, D.F. Hsu and C.Y. Tang (2006), Identification of Degenerate Motifs Using Position Restricted Selection and Hybrid Ranking Combination, Nucleic Acids Research, 34, pp. 6379-6391. (SCI)
  16. S.J. Hsieh, C.Y. Lin, N.H. Liu, W.Y. Chow and C.Y. Tang (2006), GeneAlign: a coding exon prediction tool based on phylogenetical comparisons, Nucleic Acids Research, 34, W280-W284. (SCI)
  17. Y.C. Lin, C.L. Lu, Y.-C. Liu and C.Y. Tang (2006), SPRING: A Tool for the Analysis of Genome Rearrangement Using Reversals and Block-interchanges, Nucleic Acids Research, 34, W696-W699. (SCI)
  18. H.-T. Chang, T.-W. Pai, T.-C. Fan, B.-H. Su, P.-C. Wu, C.Y. Tang, C.-T. Chang, S.-H. Liu and M.D. Chang (2005), A Reinforced Merging Methodology for Mapping Unique Peptide Motifs in Members of Protein Families, BMC Bioinformatics, 7, p1-p16. (SCIE)
  19. K.-L. Lin, C.Y. Lin, C.-D. Huang, H.-M. Chang, C.Y. Yang, C.-T. Lin, C.Y. Tang, D.F. Hsu (2005), Methods of Improving Protein Structure Prediction Based on HLA Neural Network and Combinatorial Fusion Analysis, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 2, pp. 2146-2153. (EI)
  20. C.L. Lu, T.C. Wang, Y.C. Lin and C.Y. Tang (2005), ROBIN: A Tool for Genome Rearrangement of Block-Interchanges, Bioinformatics, 21, pp. 2780-2782. (EI, SCI)
  21. Y.C. Lin, C.L. Lu, H.-Y. Chang, and C.Y. Tang (2005), An Efficient Algorithm for Sorting by Block-Interchanges and Its Application to the Evolution of Vibrio Species, Journal of Computational Biology, 12, pp. 102-112. (EI, SCIE)
  22. K.J.-S. Yu., J.-K. Hwang, C.Y. Tang, and C.-H. Yu (2004), Numerical Performance and Throughput Benchmark for Electronic Structure Calculations in PC-Linux Systems with New Architectures, Updated Compilers, and Libraries, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 44, pp. 635-642. (EI, SCI)
  23. C.Y. Tang, C.L. Lu, M.D.T. Chang, Y.T. Tsai, Y.J. Sun, K.M. Chao, J.M. Chang, Y.H. Chiou, C.M. Wu, H.T. Chang and W.I. Chou (2003), Constrained Multiple Sequence Alignment Tool Development and Its Application to RNase Family Alignment, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 1, pp. 267-287.
  24. C.L. Lu, C.Y. Tang and R.C.T. Lee (2003), The Full Steiner Tree Problem in Phylogeny, Theoretical Computer Science, 306, pp. 55-67. (EI, SCI)
  25. F.C. Lu, Y.T. Tsai and C.Y. Tang (2000), An Efficient External Sorting Algorithm, Information Processing Letters, 75, pp. 159-163. (EI, SCI)
  26. B.Y. Wu, K.-M. Chao, and C.Y. Tang (1999), Approximation and Exact Algorithms for Constructing Minimum Ultrametric Trees from Distance Matrices, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 3, pp. 199-211. (EI, SCI)

Conference Publications (recent papers)

    On Algorithm Design:

  1. Y. S. Chun, F. Hsu, C.Y. Tang(2008), On the relationships among various diversity measures in multiple classifier systems, 2008 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks(ISPAN2008), pp. 184-190.
  2. Y.H. Chen, G.-L. Liao and C.Y. Tang (2007), Approximation Algorithms for 2-source Minimum Routing Cost k-tree Problems, 2007 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA2007), LNCS, Springer Verlag.
  3. Y.H. Chen and C.Y. Tang (2006), The Bottleneck Tree Alignment Problems, 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA2006), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 3982, pp. 631-637.
  4. F. Kuo, Y.-C. Lee, C.Y. Tang (2004), The Development of RFID in Healthcare in Taiwan, 4th International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB2004), pp. 340-345.
  5. Y.H. Chen, B.Y. Wu and C.Y. Tang (2004), Approximation Algorithms for k-source Bottleneck Routing Cost Spanning Tree Problems (extended abstract), 2004 International Conference on Ccomputational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA2004), LNCS, pp. 355-366.
  6. C.L. Lu, Z.Y. Su and C.Y. Tang (2001), A New Measures of Edit Distance Between Labeled Trees, 7th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON2001), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2108, pp.338-348.
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    On Bioinformatics and Computational Biology:

  1. J. Zhou, K.-M. Yu, C. Y. Lin, K.-C. Shih, C.-Y. Tang(2010), Balanced Multi-Process Parallel Algorithm for Chemical Compound Inference Problem with Given Path Frequency, accepted by the 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2010)
  2. C.-L. Hung, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chung,  C.-Y. Tang(2009),A Parallel Algorithm for Three-Profile Alignment Method, accepted by Workshop on Bioinformatics Algorithms, (IJCBS 2009). (EI)
  3. C.-L. Hung, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chung, S. J. Hsieh and C.-Y. Tang(2009), CORAL-T: Heuristic COding Region ALignment Method for Three Genome Sequences, accepted by 2009 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology(BCB2009).

  4. W.-Y. Chou, W.-I Chou, T.-W. Pai, S.-C. Lin, F.-Y. Chang, Y.-J. Sun, C.-Y. Tang, and M. D.-T. Chang(2008), Multiple Sequence Alignment for Functional Correlation among Low Similarity Sequences, accepted by Third IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics(PRIB2008).
  5. S.-L. Peng, Y.-W. Tsay, T.-C. Wang, C. Y. Tang(2008), Probe Selection with Fault Tolerance, accepted by International Conference on Intelligent Computing(ICIC2008),LNCS, Springer Verlag.

  6. C. L. Hung, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chung, C. Y. Tang(2008), Introducing variable gap penalties into three-sequence alignment for protein sequences, accepted by First IEEE International Workshop on BioComputing (BioCom2008).

  7. J.-H. Chu, C.-Y. Lin, C.-W. Chang, C.-H. Lee, Y.-S. Yang and C.Y. Tang (2007),TIM Barrel Protein Structure Classification Using Alignment Approach and Best Hit Strategy, Int. Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences (CMLS07). pp. 177-186
  8. C.-L. Hung, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chung and C.Y. Tang (2007), CrossWA: A New Approach of Combining Pairwise and Three-Sequence Alignments to Improve the Accuracy for Highly Divergent Sequences Alignment, appear to 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB2007).
  9. C.L. Lu, Y.L. Huang, C.-J. Wu, H.-T. Chiu and C.Y. Tang (2007), A Bioinformatics Approach to Improving Prediction of Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting, appear to 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB2007).
  10. K.-M. Yu, J. Zhou, C.Y. Lin and C.Y. Tang (2007), 3-Points Relationship Based Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Ultrametric Tree Construction, appear to 1st Russian-Taiwan Symposium on Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers (MTPP2007), LNCS, Springer Verlag.
  11. C.Y. Lin, C.T. Huang, Y.-C. Chung and C.Y. Tang (2007), Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Optimal Three-Sequences Alignment, appear to The 2007 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP2007), IEEE Computer Society.
  12. Y.-S. Chung, D.F. Hsu and C.Y. Tang (2007), On the Diversity-Performance Relationship for Majority Voting in Classifier Ensembles, appear to Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS2007), LNCS, Springer Verlag.
  13. K.-M. Yu, J.-Y. Zhou, C.-Y. Lin, and C.Y. Tang (2007), Ultrametric Tree Construction and Evaluation Platform (UTCE) in Grid Computing System, 4th IEEE International Conference in IT & Application (ICITA2007), pp. 574-578.
  14. H.-J. Tsai, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chung and C.Y. Tang (2006), An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Constraint Multiple Sequence Alignment, Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium (ICS2006), pp. 1261-1266.
  15. K.-M. Yu, J.-Y. Zhou, C.-Y. Lin, and C.Y. Tang (2006), An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Ultrametric Tree Construction, Proceeding of 2006 International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA2006), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 4331, pp. 215-220.
  16. C.-N. Chen, K.-C. Li, C.Y. Tang, Y.-L. Lin, H.-H. Wang, T.-Y. Wu (2006), On Design and Implementation of a Bioinformatics Portal in Cluster and Grid Environments, 7th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR2006), pp. 44-57.
  17. S.J. Hsieh, C.Y. Lin, N.H. Liu and C.Y. Tang (2006), Comparative Gene Prediction based on Gene Structure Conservation, accepted by 2006 Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB2006), LNBI.
  18. Y.-S. Chung, C.L. Lu, and C.Y. Tang (2006), Efficient Algorithms for Regular Expression Constrained Sequence Alignment, Proceeding of 17th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM2006), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 4009, pp. 389-400.
  19. S.J. Hsieh, C.Y. Lin, Y.S. Chung, and C.Y. Tang (2005) Comparative Exon Prediction based on Heuristic Coding Region Alignment, IEEE Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks (I-SPAN2005), pp. 14-19.
  20. K.L. Lin, C.Y. Lin, C.D. Huang, H.M. Chang, C.Y. Yang, C.T. Lin, C.Y. Tang and D.F. Hsu (2005), Improving Prediction Accuracy for Protein Structure Classification by Neural Network Using Feature Combination, 5th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications, pp. 313-318.
  21. C.Y. Lin, K.L Lin, C.D Huang, H.M Chang, C.Y. Yang, C.T. Lin, C.Y. Tang and D.F. Hsu (2005), Feature Combination Criteria for Improving Predictive Accuracy Classification in Protein Structure Classification, 5th IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE2005), pp. 311-315.
  22. K.M. Yu, Y.W. Chang, Y.H. Yang, J.Y. Zhou, C.Y. Lin, and C.Y. Tang (2005), A Fast Technique for Constructing Evolutionary Tree with the Application of Compact Sets, 8th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT2005), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 3606, pp. 346-354.
  23. K.M. Yu, J.Y. Zhou, C.Y. Lin, and C.Y. Tang (2005), Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Constructing Evolutionary Trees from Distance Matrices, 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific Region (HPCAsia2005), pp. 66-72.
  24. Y.H. Chen, H.-I Lu and C.Y. Tang (2005), Disjoint Segments with Maximum Density, International Workshop on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IWBRA2005), pp. 845-850.
  25. P.-H. Liu, S.-L. Peng, C.Y. Tang, Y.-W. Tsay, J.T.L. Wang (2005), Classifying SARS-CoV Genomes Based on Their Unique Sequences, 6th International Symposium on Computational Biology and Genome Informatics (CBGI2005), pp. 1315-1318.
  26. H.P. Lee, T.F. Sheu, Y.T. Tsai, C.H. Shih and C.Y. Tang (2005), Efficient Discovery of Unique Signatures on Whole-genome EST Database, 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC2005), pp. 100-104.
  27. C.Y. Yang, K.L. Lin, C.D. Huang, C.Y. Lin, C.T. Lin, C.Y. Tang and D.F. Hsu (2004), A Hierarchical Protein Fold Classification Scheme Using Data Fusion, International Conference of Bioinformatics (InCoB2004).
  28. C.N. Chen and C.Y. Tang (2004), Boolean Logic Modeling of Microarray Regulatory Pathway, International Conference of Bioinformatics (InCoB2004).
  29. S.C. Peng, H.M. Chang, D.F. Hsu and C.Y. Tang (2004), Modeling Signal Transduction of Neural System by Hybrid Petrinet Representation, International Conference of Operations Research (OR2004).
  30. C.-M. Lee, L.-J. Hung, M.-S. Chang and C.Y. Tang (2004), An Improved Algorithm for the Maximum Agreement Subtree Problem, IEEE 4th Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE2004), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 533-536.
  31. H.P. Lee, Y.T. Tsai, C.H. Shih, T.F. Sheu and C.Y. Tang (2004), An IDC-based Algorithm for Efficient Homology Filtration with Guaranteed Seriate Coverage, IEEE 4th Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE2004), pp. 395-402.
  32. H.P. Lee, Y.T. Tsai, C.Y. Tang, C.H. Shih and T.F. Sheu (2004), A Seriate Coverage Filtration Approach for Homology Search, 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC2004), pp. 180-184.
  33. C.H. Lee, Y.T. Lin, C.Y. Tang and Y.S. Yang (2003), Identify Amino Acid Candidates Critical for Function of Rat Imidase by Cross-Reference Voting in Imidase Super Family, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Bioinformatics Track, (SAC2003), pp. 127-134.
  34. Y.H. Chen, C.L. Lu and C.Y. Tang (2003), On the Full and Bottleneck Full Steiner Tree Problem, 9th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON2003), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2697, pp. 122-129.
  35. C.L. Lu, C.Y. Tang and R.C.T. Lee (2002), The Full Steiner Tree Problem in Phylogeny, 8th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON2002), LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2387, pp. 107-116.
  36. J.M. Chang, C.Y. Tang, C.L. Chang (2002), Compact Set Neighboring Relation and Its Application in Evaluating Evolution Tree, Workshop on Algorithms and Computational Molecular Biology, International Computer Symposium (ICS2002).
  37. C.Y. Tang, C.L. Lu, M.D.T. Chang, Y.T. Tsai, Y.J. Sun, K.M. Chao, J.M. Chang, Y.H. Chiou, C.M. Wu, H.T. Chang and W.I. Chou (2002), Constrained Sequence Alignment Tool Development and Its Application to RNase Family Alignment, 1st IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference (CSB 2002), pp. 127-137.
  38. C.Y. Tang, C.L. Lu, M.D.T. Chang, Y.T. Tsai, Y.J. Sun, K.M. Chao, J.M. Chang, Y.H. Chiou, C.M. Wu, H.T. Chang and W.I. Chou (2002), Constrained Sequence Alignment Tool Development and Its Application to RNase Family Alignment, 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS 2002), pp. 365-370.

Book Chapter:

  1. C.L. Lu, Y.C. Lin, Y.L. Huang and C.Y. Tang (2007), Analysis of Genome Rearrangement by Block-Interchanges, to appear in: N. Bergman ed., Methods in Molecular Biology on Comparative Genomics, Humana Press.
  2. Y.C. Lin and C.Y. Tang (2007), Exposing Phylogenetic Relationships by Genome Rearrangement, C.-W. Tzeng and M. Zelkowitz ed., Advances in Computers: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 68, pp. 1-57. (SCI)
  3. B.Y. Wu, C.Y. Tang and K.-M. Chao (2007), Optimum Communication Spanning Trees, T.F. Gonzalez ed., Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics, 59, Chapman & Hall/CRC.


  1. T. Ku, K. -C. Shih, J. -L. Wang, C.Y. Tang, N. -W. Hsiao(2008), Comparative Molecular Field Analysis on 25 Halogenated Anesthetics, accepted by American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting(ASA Annual Meeting 2008)

  2. K.-M. Yu, J. Zhou, C.-Y. Lin and C.Y. Tang (2006), UTCE: Ultrametric Tree Construction and Evaluation platform, Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics Symposium and Workshop (link).
  3. S.J. Hsieh, Y.S. Chung, C.Y. Lin and C.Y. Tang (2005), EXONSCAN: EXON Prediction with Signal Detection and Coding Region AligNment in Homologous Genomic Sequences, 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC2005).
  4. J.Y. Zhou, C.Y. Lin, C.Y. Tang and K.M. Yu (2004), Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Constructing Evolutionary Trees of Human Mitochondrial DNA from Distance Matrices, International Conference of Bioinformatics (InCoB2004).
  5. H.P. Lee, T.F. Sheu, Y.T. Tsai, C.H Shih and C.Y. Tang (2004), An Efficient Algorithm for Unique Signature Discovery on Whole-Genome EST Databases, the IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB2004).
  6. H.P. Lee, Y.T. Tsai, C.H. Shih, T.F. Sheu and C.Y. Tang (2004), A Novel Approach for Efficient Query of Single Nucleotide Variation in DNA Databases, 8th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB2004).
  7. C.N. Chen, C.H. Peng, C.T. Chang, Y.C. Wei, C.Y. Tang (2003), Identify Single Nucleotide Variation in Whole Genome Sequences by External Sorting, 7th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB2003).
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  1. A.-S. Chiang, Y.-C. Chen, C. Lin, Y.-T. Ching, C.Y. Tang, H.-M. Chang, Bio-expression system and the method of the same(生物表現系統及其方法), 智專二(二)04144字第09620616900號.