USACO Final Round 1 The problems used in the first annual USA Computing Olympiad. Each student Problem 1: Ordered Fractions PROBLEM STATEMENT: Consider the set of all reduced rational numbers between 0 and 1 inclusive with denominators less than or equal to N. Here is the set when N = 5: 0/1 1/5 1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 4/5 1/1 Write a program that, given an integer N between 1 and 100 inclusive, prints the fractions in order of increasing magnitude. You should also print the total number of fractions. Print a tab after each fraction so they don't run too far off the screen during judging. TECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS: 1. Put your solution in an ASCII text file named, where o The extension .xxx is: - PAS for PASCAL programs - C for C programs o The string iiss identifies you, where ii should be your initials, and ss should be your state abbreviation (i.e. FRACNBNC.C for Nate Bronson from North Carolina) 2. Programs must reject inputs where N is less than 1 or greater than 100. SAMPLE RUN: Enter the maximum denominator: 5 0/1 1/5 1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 4/5 1/1 There were 11 fractions. Problem 2: Biggest Barn A farmer wants to build a barn on his farm, and he wants it to cover as much area as possible. But his farm has trees and other buildings on it, and he does not want to move anything. For simplicity, the farm is represented as an m by n grid, with trees and buildings occupying one or more of the grid locations. The rectangular barn must not touch anything else. If the farm is the following 5 by 6 grid, 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 XX 2 3 4 XXXX 5 XXXX then the barn might be 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 XX BBBBBBBB 2 BBBBBBBB 3 4 XXXX 5 XXXX or 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 XX 2 3 BB 4 BB XXXX 5 BB XXXX In this case the largest barn runs from 1,3 to 2,6, with area 8. The PROBLEM is to determine the size (area) of the biggest barn and the total number of possible locations for all the barns of that size. PROBLEM STATEMENT: 1. Read from the data file BARN.IN any number of data sets. The data file will begin with a line containing the number of obstacles in the next data set. The next line will contain the height and the width of the farm. The following lines will contain the row, column, height, and width of each obstacle. The data sets will be terminated with a line containing a negative number. There will be at least one data set, and each data set will have at least one obstacle. A data file for the example above would be: 2 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 -1 2. Find the size of the largest barn and the number of different barns of maximum size that can be built. Output them in the form: Maximum area = ###, number of solutions = ###. For part 2, the width and height of the total grid will be less than or equal to 20. The total number of rectangles in the input data will be less than or equal to 20. Note: A program that meets the requirements for PART 3 automatically meets the requirements for PART 2. 3. The width and height of the total grid may be anything less than 1,000. All other specifications are the same as for PART 2. Remember that 1,0002 > 216. TECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS: 1. Put your solution in an ASCII text file named, where o The extension .xxx is: - PAS for PASCAL programs - C for C programs o The string iiss identifies you, where ii should be your initials, and ss should be your state abbreviation (i.e. BARNNBNC.C for Nate Bronson from North Carolina) TEST DATA WITH SOLUTIONS: BARN.IN: 2 5 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 11 13 1 1 5 5 7 9 5 5 -1 output: Maximum area = 8, number of solutions = 1. Maximum area = 35, number of solutions = 2. Problem 3: Polyominoes A ``polyomino’’ is a two dimensional figure formed from N squares with adjoining sides. Here is the set of polyominoes for N=4: * ** * * ** * * ** ** ** * * * * * Note that some of the five polyominoes might appear in other orientations if they are reflected or rotated. Consider these alternate presentations of the fourth one above: * ** * ** ** ** ** * ** * PROBLEM STATEMENT: Write a program which will create and print the polyominoes of order N. It should print each polyomino only once (i.e., in just one of its orientations). Order of the listing is unimportant. You should also display the number of distinct polyominoes. The judges will award extra credit for programs that can compute polyominoes of order 9 or above (using no more than 60 seconds of CPU time on one of the 486/33 machines). Programs vying for extra credit should include an option (indicated by a negative value for N) that prints only the number of polyominoes found and doesn't print out the polyominoes themselves. TECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS: 1. Put your solution in an ASCII text file named, where o The extension .xxx is: - PAS for PASCAL programs - C for C programs o The string iiss identifies you, where ii should be your initials, and ss should be your state abbreviation (i.e. POLYNBNC.C for Nate Bronson from North Carolina) SAMPLE RUNS: Enter N: 4 **** * *** * *** ** ** ** ** There were 5 polyominoes. (Extra Credit Runs) Enter N: -4 There were 5 polyominoes. Problem 4: Word Morphing In this problem you will transform words into other words, one character at a time. PROBLEM STATEMENT: 1. 1-morphs: The set of 1-morphs of a word is the set of words in which one letter is changed and no letters are rearranged. Write a program which prints a list of all the 1-morphs of a word. You will be provided with a dictionary file named WORDS of acceptable words in alphabetical order, one word to a line. 2. Laddergrams: A laddergram is a chain of 1-morphs which transforms a starting word into an ending word. For example, the shortest laddergram changing the word "lead" into the word "gold" is lead load goad gold. Write a program which finds and prints a laddergram of shortest length between the supplied starting and ending words (using the same supplied dictionary). 3. All solutions: Note that we wrote "a laddergram of shortest length" in 2 above, not "the laddergram of shortest length". A particular change-the-word problem may actually have several shortest solutions. Write a program which finds and prints all the shortest solutions. 4. Widest chains: Find the length of the longest optimal laddergram for words of length 5 in the supplied dictionary. You do not have to write a particular program to compute the result, but there must be a basis for your conclusion. TECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS: 1. Put your solution in an ASCII text file named, where o The extension .xxx is: - PAS for PASCAL programs - C for C programs o The string iiss identifies you, where ii should be your initials, and ss should be your state abbreviation (i.e., WORDNBNC.C for Nate Bronson from North Carolina) SAMPLE RUNS: Part 1: The 1-morphs of TIMES are: timer timed tires tiles tides tames limes dimes Part 2: Here are some shortest solutions you can use to test your program: LOVE to HATE: love lone lane late hate BRAIN to THINK: brain train trait tract track trick thick think WHITE to BLACK: white whine shine spine spice slice slick slack black