Internet's Resources for
Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing

Entry Points

Fuzzy Logic and Neuro-Fuzzy Resources by Martin Brown at the University of Southampton in UK.
Fuzzy Logic Sources of Information by Robert John at De Montfort University in UK.
Fuzzy Logic Reservoir by Ortech Engineering Inc.
Selected AI/Connectionist World Wide Web Home Pages and FTP Sites by the Connectionist Research Group.
WWW page for Announcements of Conferences, Workshops and Other Events on Neural Networks and Related Fields

FTP sites

Fuzzy Logic ftp Repository at the Boulder Labs Site of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Contains many papers, articles, news releases, and more.
Fuzzy Logic ftp Collection at Ostfold Regional College in Norway. Contains many papers, articles, news releases, and more.

Newsgroups FAQ FAQ FAQ


Fuzzy Logic Toolbox: Info, User's Page, ANFIS FAQ
Machine Learning Library in C++
FIR/TDNN Toolbox
NN-based System Identification Toolbox
GENESIS Neural Simulator
PDP++ Software: NN Simulation System in C++
DELVE: Data for Evaluating Learning in Valid Experiments
Admo-Logic: MANAGERIAL METRICS (MM) & DIAGNOSTIC FOR ORGANIZATIONS with fuzzy-logic management recommendations.


AL220 micro-controller: Adaptive Logic

Short Courses

Intelligent Inference Systems Corporation


UCI Machine Learning Repository
Time Series Repository
Face Detection Dataset
DELVE Dataset
Information Exploration Shootout


International GI-Workshop Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98 - Computational Intelligence
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'98)
International GI-Workshop Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98 - Computational Intelligence - 18 - 20 March 1998, Munich
IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97)
The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering, New York City, 1997
5th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), New Orleans, 1996
The 1st Online Workshop on Soft Computing, 1996
The 1st Online Workshop on Evolutionary Computation
The 2nd Online Workshop on Evolutionary Computation
NNSP 97: IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing
WCNN 96: World Congress on Neural Networks
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems 1996
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems 1995
Neural Network Conferences
NAFIPS: North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
IFIS: Industrial Fuzzy control and Intelligent Systems Conference
IFSIC: International Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control Conference
JCIS 97: Third Joing Conference on Information Sciences
SAB 96: From Animals to Animate --- The Fourth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior


Lotfi Zadeh, EECS Dept, UC Berkeley
Shun-ichi Amari, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Enrique H. Ruspini, SRI International
Witold Pedrycz, University of Manitoba
Hans J. Zimmermann, Scientific Director,European Laboratory for Intelligent Techniques Engineering (ELITE)
Michael Lee, EECS Dept, UC Berkeley
Yutaka Hata, Department of Computer Engineering, Himeji Institute of Technology.
George Klir, System Science and Industrial Engr, Binghamton Univ.
Ronald R. Yager, Machine Intelligence Institute, Iona College
James M. Keller, ECE Dept, Univ of Missouri-Columbia
Jerry Mendel, EE Dept, Univ of Southern California.
Bart Kosko, EE Dept, Univ of Southern California.
Dave Touretzky
Gail A. Carpenter
Stephen Grossberg
Aeungnam Bien
John Yen, Dept of CS, Texas A & M Univ
John Moody, Dept of CS and EE, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
Rudolf Kruse, Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Braunschweig
Detlef Nauck, Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Braunschweig
Wray Buntine, NASA Ames Artificial Intelligence Research Branch
Reza Langari, Dept of Mechanical Engr, Texas A & M Univ
Hao Ying, Univ of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
James Yao, Dept of Civil Engr, Texas A & M Univ
Ahmad Lotfi, Dept of Manufacturing Engr, Nottingham Trent Univ, UK.
J.-S. Roger Jang, Dept of CS, Tsing Hua Univ, Taiwan

Neuro-Fuzzy Research Sites

Computational Sciences Division, NASA Ames Research Center
AI, Cognitive Science and Robotics WWW Resource Page
The NN learning algorithm benchmarking page
Neural Network Research Group, Univ of Toronto, Canada
Intelligent Fuzzy Systems Lab, Univ of Toronto, Canada
neural fuzzy at NTIT
Center for Fuzzy Logic, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems
IEEE Neural Network Council
ISIS research group, Dept of Electronics and Computer Science, Southhampton Univ.
Machine Intelligence Institute, Iona College
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems 1995
The NeuroGeek Page
Knowledge Systems Lab of National Research Council of Canada.
BISC: Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing
Complex systems page at the Austrailian National Univ.
Lab for Computational Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh
Soft Computing Group in Milan University
Fuzzy Logic at University of Missouri-Columbia
FULL: Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz-Hagenberg
The Connectionist Research Group


IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transcations on Neural Networks
Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Neural Computation
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems

Technical Reports

The European Community ESPRIT Working Group in Neural and Computational Learning Theory (NeuroCOLT)
Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT)

BibTeX Databases

CI (Computational Intelligence) Collection of BibTeX Databases

Neural Networks Bibilographic Search Tools (from CRG)

Biblio: This service permits you to search amoung 3500 books and papers in the field of neural networks. You can search by author's name and/or title. This service is maintained by the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Glimpse Bibliographies on Neural Networks: This service permits you to search on several biblographic sources in the field of neural networks. You can search by using up to 3 key words. This service is maintained by Paul Klark at the University of Arizona.
DOCBIB Document Bibliography Search: This service permits you to search the DOCBIB database which includes publications in feature extraction, OCR, on-line recognition, text/graphics discrimination, signature verification and related document references. This service is provided by the University of Maryland.
Neural Network Researchers Database: This service permits you to search a database of neural network researchers by name, name of organization, and by field of interest. You can also add you name to the database. This service is provided by NEuroNet at King's College London.

General Bibliographic Search Tools (from CRG)

Computer Science Bibliography Glimpse Server: Glimpse (which stands for GLobal IMPlicit SEarch) is an indexing and query system that allows you to search through all your files very quickly. The abbreviations used in these bibliographies are available here. This service is maintained by Udi Manber, Sun Wu, and Burra Gopal at the University of Arizona.
Computer Science Bibliographies Search Tools at the University of Karlsruhe: This page provides access to the mailserver based LitServer for bibliographic searches at the University of Karlsruhe. This service is provided by Alf-Christian Achilles. This page also provides a link to the Glimpse server at the University of Arizona.
Unified Computer Science TR Index: This service permits you to search several computer science technical reports stored at several ftp archive sites by using a set of keywords. This service is maintained by Marc VanHeyningen at Indiana University.
CARL/UnCover (via telnet): This service permits you to search on a variety of topics contained in the UnCover online periodical article delivery service. This service is maintainted by the CARL Corporation (Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries). Use //exit to exit the service.

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