Fuzzy Set Theory and Application / Final Project

Traveling Salesman Problem
 Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing


 1.Traveling Salesman Problem   4.Experiment Results
 2.Genetic Algorithm (GA)  5.Conclusion and Future Work
 3.Simulated Annealing (SA)  6.Reference


 MR854360 ROLAND

 MR854319 STEVEN


1. Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) was first introduced by the RAND in 1948. RAND's reputation helped to make the TSP a well known and popular problem. The TSP also became popular at that time due to the new subject of linear programming and attempts to solve combinatorial problems. The TSP is conceptually very simple: the traveling salesman must visit every city in his territory exactly once and then return to the starting point. Given the cost of travel between all cities, how should he plan his itinerary for minimum total cost of the entire tour?

The TSP has many variations:

Only the simplest symmetric traveling salesman problem is considered in this project. Although the problem definition is quite simple, the search space of TSP is quite large. Actually, O(TSP)=n! , which implies that the TSP is NP-Complete. Say a case of 30 cities, if the computer can check 1 million permutations in one second, it would require about 4 * 1018 years for the computer to finish checking all possible permutations. Therefore, we have no choice but seek for heuristics. The formal definition of this problem can be found at A compendium of NP optimization problems and the proof of NP-Complete can be found in the book "Computers and Intractability" by M. Garey and D. Johnson, published by W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1979.

All the trials to solve TSP can be classified into one of the categories below:

2. Genetic Algorithm (GA)

2-1. What is GA?

2-2. How does GA work?

2-3. Why does GA work?

2-4. Encode Scheme of Traveling Salesman Problem

3. Simulated Annealing (SA)

3-1. Introduction

3-2. Simulated Annealing optimization algorithms

3-3. Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem by Simulated Annealing

4. Experiment Results

4-1. Dataset

4-2. Parameters of Genetic Algorithm

5. Conclusion and Future Work

6. Reference

Last Updated : 06/02/97
copywrong reserved 1997 (?) Roland Fox& Steven Tseng