CS3331: ¼Æ­È¤èªk (Numerical Methods)

Homework 0

Instructor: Roger Jang

Due date: Feb. 27, 1997
  1. Fill out the student information form and submit it in the next class. (Please submit it with a clear photo. You can get the photo back at the end of semester.)
  2. Buy the textbook. (You don't need to buy the reference books.)
  3. Get a computer account on CS20 if you are not CS major and intend to use MATLAB on CS20. (If you can access MATLAB on PC, then you don't need to get an account on CS20.)
  4. Get familiar with MATLAB by
    1. Finish reading Chapter 1 and 2 of the textbook.
    2. Verify all the MATLAB examples by typing them into MATLAB directly.
  5. Get familiar with WWW (World Wide Web) and visit our course homepage at http://www.cs.nthu.edu.tw/~jang/courses/cs3331/. In particular, follow each link to see what's offered in the homepage.