Date Paper Titles 姓名
11/20 Image Analogies 林奕瑱, 黃資娟
11/20 Simulation Modeling of Plants and Plant Ecosystems 凌鈺城
11/23 Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games 郭振宇
11/27 Global Illumination Using the Photon Maps 侯佳文, 林柏全
11/27 Fast texture synthesis using tree-structured vector quantization 柳可芸
11/30 Physically Based Animation and Rendering of Lightning 黃彥彰, 盧奕丞
12/7 Particle-Based Fluid Simulation for Interactive Applications 吳榮軒, 施忞
12/11 Project Progress Report All
12/14 Image-Based Plant Modeling 何宗修, 陳英祺